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startuxcode manual 03 december, 2003

stop just right here.
startuxcode does have a learning curve.
keep this in mind before giving up.

startuxcode's backoffice doesn't offer you any eye candy and stupid icons.
instead, it focus on what it matters and gives wings to your imagination using powerfull tools and features that will greatly reward you in the end.

it is very hard for me to write this manual, because startuxcode's backoffice is object oriented.
a weblog in startuxcode is made by constructing little objects of barious kind and linking them together. an object may be a simple thing such as the site logo, a form, an article, a menu box, etc.
if i try to explain it with dry theory, i'll probably fail my intention in writing a confortable manual for you to read and understand.
if i write it as a cook book, you'll never understand the infinite possibilites the backoffice offers.
i think i'll just try to to both things at the same time, guiding you by examples and expalining the objects' guts.

i won't be able to write a definitive manual. since startuxcode is object oriented, one can use his imagination and create something no one else has ever done.
but remember: this is the beauty of startuxcode.

i hope i'll lead this boat to a safe harbour, since it is crucial for you to get startuxcode up and running smoothly.
i'll assume from now on that you've read the install page end efectivly you have startuxcode up and runnunig.

let's move on...
  1. first things first
    1. logging in as admin and changing its password
      as told in the install page, you can login in the backoffice using both the login and the password "admin" by the default install.
      this user has all the privilegies over the system, so you probably don't want to delete it just right now, but instead change its password.
      in startuxcode, the process of assigning logins and passwords for accessing the backoffice are is made both through apache and the backoffice.
      go to /pathofyourstartuxcodeinstallation/bo, edit the .htaccess file to meet your installation path in the authuserfile line.
      save it, run this command

      # htpasswd /pathtoyourstartuxcodeinstallation/bo/.htpasswd admin

      and enter the same password twice.
      now, and login to the bcakoffice with admin and the password you've choosen.
      congratulations, you should now see the arid and strange look of startuxcode's backoffice.
      it's time to see what admin can do over the system.
      see the "technical staff" right table ?
      click in "staff/edit/admin"
      you see all info about backoffice user admin. you can change your personal information and save with the save button in the page bottom.
      you also see a number of checkboxes that are intended to remove priviligies to user admin, but surely you don't want to do that :P
      theerefore, you see a lot of things you can restrict a backoffice user to do, but let's don't worry with it now. we'll talk about this later on.

    2. creating another super user
      if you're a loner startuxcode's site administrator, you won't need to create more users. maybe you just want to change admin username to something of your preference, which you can do by not removing the admin user, but by creating another one with all the privilegies over the site's backoffice. this will do for any other user you may want to add, if you're not the loner type of guy of course :-)
      let's create a user master. run the command

      # htpasswd /pathtoyourstartuxcodeinstallation/bo/.htpasswd master

      enter the same password twice and login to bo/ with master and the password you've choosen.
      damn it! a backoffice blank page.
      fear not :-)
      that's because the user master doesn't yet exists in startuxcode's database.
      close all your browser windows, reopen one and login as admin. next, go to "staff/admin/new" and create a user master with all its attributs filled in, setting its "status" to technical staff and "may classify articles" as all (you want the user to have full privilegies, remember ?).
      don't check any of the boxes, save, close again all your browser windows, reopen a new one and login as master.
      so there you have it: a new user, named master with (all) the same priviligies as admin before. now if you want, you can remove admin, by editing .htpasswd file and removing its line and (not or) in the backoffice by clicking in remove for admin.

    3. creating a user with lesser priviligies
      well, the steps are the same as in point 2., but now you'll want to restrict your new backoffice user to do certain things.
      let's say for now and for the sake of simplicity that you don't want your user to be able to add another users. after inserting it in the .htpasswd and when in the backoffice, when creating it, check the staff box and save.
      ok, this new user won't create any other user for sure.

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